Tallinn pilotage area:
The ports of Muuga, Miiduranna, Pirita, Patarei, Lennu, Peetri, Miini, Hundipea, Paljassaare, Bekkeri, Meeruse, the Old City Harbour and the Harbour of Russian Baltic Works.
Ordering a pilot in the Tallinn pilotage area: Fax 605 3881, information at Tel. 605 3888, Mob. 526 8432
The director of the pilotage area: Harry Sillamaa, Tel. 605 3805, Mob. 506 8032
Rohuneeme pilot station: Tel. 605 3805, Mob. 506 8032
Muuga pilot station: Mob. 5620 2244, 5660 1671