| Firma |

Eesti Loots | Supervisory Board| Activities | ISO | Grants | Employees| Contact


Eesti Loots


The public limited company Eesti Loots AS was founded by order No. 921-k of the Government of the Republic of Estonia from 20 November 2000. Before the foundation of Eesti Loots, the pilotage service had been provided by the Laevaliikluse Juhtimise Keskus (the Vessel Traffic Management Centre), which was dissolved on 31 December 2000 with regulation No. 86 of the Ministry of Transport and Communications from 31 October 2000.


The owner of the shares of Eesti Loots is the Republic of Estonia and the manager of the shares is the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

Supervisory Board of Eesti Loots:


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Margus Kaasik


Members of the Supervisory Board:

Taivo Linnamägi

Teet Palmse

Maivi Ots



Chairman of the Executive Board:

Peeter Sepp




The Auditor:

BDO Eesti AS

Activities of Eesti Loots:

  • Providing pilotage services
  • Serving vessels in the pilotage area
  • Pilotage advice and training
  • Renting out pilot boats
  • Providing port services




The EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate is for the pilotage service rendering sphere.

Agreement between the agency company and AS Eesti Loots


Antud leping on internetipõhises keskkonnas lootsitellimuse vormistamiseks AS-lt Eesti Loots. Lepingu sõlmimisel väljastab AS Eesti Loots agendile tellimuskeskkonda sisenemiseks vajaliku(d) kasutajanime(d) ja parooli(d)..



There are 118  employees in Eesti Loots:

  • 43 sea pilots
  • 52 crew members
  • 5 operators
  • 8 drivers
  • 8 members of the administrative staff
  • Technician - housekeeper



Sadama tee 9
Viimsi vald
74012 Harjumaa

Tel: +372 605 3800
Tel: +372 605 3888, +372 526 8432